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"""Configuration for HEOS tests."""
from typing import Dict, Sequence
from asynctest.mock import Mock, patch as patch
2019-05-26 06:47:11 -05:00
from pyheos import Dispatcher, Heos, HeosPlayer, HeosSource, InputSource, const
import pytest
from homeassistant.components.heos import DOMAIN
from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST
from tests.common import MockConfigEntry
def config_entry_fixture():
"""Create a mock HEOS config entry."""
return MockConfigEntry(domain=DOMAIN, data={CONF_HOST: ''},
title='Controller (')
2019-05-02 19:54:36 -05:00
def controller_fixture(
players, favorites, input_sources, playlists, change_data, dispatcher):
"""Create a mock Heos controller fixture."""
2019-05-26 06:47:11 -05:00
mock_heos = Mock(Heos)
for player in players.values():
player.heos = mock_heos
mock_heos.dispatcher = dispatcher
mock_heos.get_players.return_value = players
mock_heos.players = players
mock_heos.get_favorites.return_value = favorites
mock_heos.get_input_sources.return_value = input_sources
mock_heos.get_playlists.return_value = playlists
mock_heos.load_players.return_value = change_data
mock_heos.is_signed_in = True
mock_heos.signed_in_username = "user@user.com"
mock_heos.connection_state = const.STATE_CONNECTED
mock = Mock(return_value=mock_heos)
with patch("homeassistant.components.heos.Heos", new=mock), \
patch("homeassistant.components.heos.config_flow.Heos", new=mock):
yield mock_heos
def config_fixture():
"""Create hass config fixture."""
return {
2019-05-02 19:54:36 -05:00
def player_fixture(quick_selects):
"""Create a mock HeosPlayer."""
player = Mock(HeosPlayer)
player.player_id = 1
player.name = "Test Player"
player.model = "Test Model"
player.version = "1.0.0"
player.is_muted = False
player.available = True
player.state = const.PLAY_STATE_STOP
player.ip_address = ""
player.network = "wired"
player.shuffle = False
player.repeat = const.REPEAT_OFF
player.volume = 25
player.now_playing_media.supported_controls = const.CONTROLS_ALL
player.now_playing_media.album_id = 1
player.now_playing_media.queue_id = 1
player.now_playing_media.source_id = 1
player.now_playing_media.station = "Station Name"
player.now_playing_media.type = "Station"
player.now_playing_media.album = "Album"
player.now_playing_media.artist = "Artist"
player.now_playing_media.media_id = "1"
player.now_playing_media.duration = None
player.now_playing_media.current_position = None
player.now_playing_media.image_url = "http://"
player.now_playing_media.song = "Song"
2019-05-02 19:54:36 -05:00
player.get_quick_selects.return_value = quick_selects
return {player.player_id: player}
def favorites_fixture() -> Dict[int, HeosSource]:
"""Create favorites fixture."""
station = Mock(HeosSource)
station.type = const.TYPE_STATION
station.name = "Today's Hits Radio"
station.media_id = '123456789'
radio = Mock(HeosSource)
radio.type = const.TYPE_STATION
radio.name = "Classical MPR (Classical Music)"
radio.media_id = 's1234'
return {
1: station,
2: radio
def input_sources_fixture() -> Sequence[InputSource]:
"""Create a set of input sources for testing."""
source = Mock(InputSource)
source.player_id = 1
source.input_name = const.INPUT_AUX_IN_1
source.name = "HEOS Drive - Line In 1"
return [source]
def dispatcher_fixture() -> Dispatcher:
"""Create a dispatcher for testing."""
return Dispatcher()
def discovery_data_fixture() -> dict:
"""Return mock discovery data for testing."""
return {
'host': '',
'manufacturer': 'Denon',
'model_name': 'HEOS Drive',
'model_number': 'DWSA-10 4.0',
'name': 'Office',
'port': 60006,
'serial': None,
'udn': 'uuid:e61de70c-2250-1c22-0080-0005cdf512be',
'upnp_device_type': 'urn:schemas-denon-com:device:AiosDevice:1'
2019-05-02 19:54:36 -05:00
def quick_selects_fixture() -> Dict[int, str]:
"""Create a dict of quick selects for testing."""
return {
1: "Quick Select 1",
2: "Quick Select 2",
3: "Quick Select 3",
4: "Quick Select 4",
5: "Quick Select 5",
6: "Quick Select 6"
def playlists_fixture() -> Sequence[HeosSource]:
"""Create favorites fixture."""
playlist = Mock(HeosSource)
playlist.type = const.TYPE_PLAYLIST
playlist.name = "Awesome Music"
return [playlist]
def change_data_fixture() -> Dict:
"""Create player change data for testing."""
return {
const.DATA_MAPPED_IDS: {},
const.DATA_NEW: []
def change_data_mapped_ids_fixture() -> Dict:
"""Create player change data for testing."""
return {
101: 1
const.DATA_NEW: []