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"""Provides the worker thread needed for processing streams."""
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from collections.abc import Generator, Iterator, Mapping
2021-08-29 09:53:41 +08:00
import datetime
from io import BytesIO
import logging
from threading import Event
from typing import Any, Callable, cast
import av
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from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
from . import redact_credentials
from .const import (
2021-08-29 09:53:41 +08:00
2021-08-29 09:53:41 +08:00
2021-08-29 09:53:41 +08:00
from .core import Part, Segment, StreamOutput, StreamSettings
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SegmentBuffer:
"""Buffer for writing a sequence of packets to the output as a segment."""
def __init__(
2021-08-29 09:53:41 +08:00
hass: HomeAssistant,
outputs_callback: Callable[[], Mapping[str, StreamOutput]],
) -> None:
"""Initialize SegmentBuffer."""
self._stream_id: int = 0
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self._hass = hass
self._outputs_callback: Callable[
[], Mapping[str, StreamOutput]
] = outputs_callback
# sequence gets incremented before the first segment so the first segment
# has a sequence number of 0.
self._sequence = -1
self._segment_start_dts: int = cast(int, None)
self._memory_file: BytesIO = cast(BytesIO, None)
self._av_output: av.container.OutputContainer = None
self._input_video_stream: av.video.VideoStream = None
self._input_audio_stream: av.audio.stream.AudioStream | None = None
self._output_video_stream: av.video.VideoStream = None
self._output_audio_stream: av.audio.stream.AudioStream | None = None
self._segment: Segment | None = None
# the following 3 member variables are used for Part formation
self._memory_file_pos: int = cast(int, None)
self._part_start_dts: int = cast(int, None)
self._part_has_keyframe = False
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self._stream_settings: StreamSettings = hass.data[DOMAIN][ATTR_SETTINGS]
self._start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
def make_new_av(
2021-08-29 09:53:41 +08:00
memory_file: BytesIO,
sequence: int,
input_vstream: av.video.VideoStream,
) -> av.container.OutputContainer:
"""Make a new av OutputContainer."""
return av.open(
2021-08-29 09:53:41 +08:00
# Removed skip_sidx - see https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/39970
# "cmaf" flag replaces several of the movflags used, but too recent to use for now
"movflags": "frag_custom+empty_moov+default_base_moof+frag_discont+negative_cts_offsets+skip_trailer",
# Sometimes the first segment begins with negative timestamps, and this setting just
# adjusts the timestamps in the output from that segment to start from 0. Helps from
# having to make some adjustments in test_durations
"avoid_negative_ts": "make_non_negative",
"fragment_index": str(sequence + 1),
"video_track_timescale": str(int(1 / input_vstream.time_base)),
# Only do extra fragmenting if we are using ll_hls
# Let ffmpeg do the work using frag_duration
# Fragment durations may exceed the 15% allowed variance but it seems ok
"movflags": "empty_moov+default_base_moof+frag_discont+negative_cts_offsets+skip_trailer",
# Create a fragment every TARGET_PART_DURATION. The data from each fragment is stored in
# a "Part" that can be combined with the data from all the other "Part"s, plus an init
# section, to reconstitute the data in a "Segment".
# frag_duration seems to be a minimum threshold for determining part boundaries, so some
# parts may have a higher duration. Since Part Target Duration is used in LL-HLS as a
# maximum threshold for part durations, we scale that number down here by .85 and hope
# that the output part durations stay below the maximum Part Target Duration threshold.
# See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-pantos-hls-rfc8216bis#section-
"frag_duration": str(
self._stream_settings.part_target_duration * 1e6
if self._stream_settings.ll_hls
else {}
def set_streams(
video_stream: av.video.VideoStream,
audio_stream: Any,
# no type hint for audio_stream until https://github.com/PyAV-Org/PyAV/pull/775 is merged
) -> None:
"""Initialize output buffer with streams from container."""
self._input_video_stream = video_stream
self._input_audio_stream = audio_stream
def reset(self, video_dts: int) -> None:
"""Initialize a new stream segment."""
# Keep track of the number of segments we've processed
self._sequence += 1
self._segment_start_dts = video_dts
self._segment = None
self._memory_file = BytesIO()
self._memory_file_pos = 0
self._av_output = self.make_new_av(
self._output_video_stream = self._av_output.add_stream(
# Check if audio is requested
self._output_audio_stream = None
if self._input_audio_stream and self._input_audio_stream.name in AUDIO_CODECS:
self._output_audio_stream = self._av_output.add_stream(
def mux_packet(self, packet: av.Packet) -> None:
"""Mux a packet to the appropriate output stream."""
# Check for end of segment
if packet.stream == self._input_video_stream:
if (
and (packet.dts - self._segment_start_dts) * packet.time_base
2021-08-29 09:53:41 +08:00
>= self._stream_settings.min_segment_duration
# Flush segment (also flushes the stub part segment)
self.flush(packet, last_part=True)
# Reinitialize
# Mux the packet
packet.stream = self._output_video_stream
self._part_has_keyframe |= packet.is_keyframe
elif packet.stream == self._input_audio_stream:
packet.stream = self._output_audio_stream
def check_flush_part(self, packet: av.Packet) -> None:
"""Check for and mark a part segment boundary and record its duration."""
if self._memory_file_pos == self._memory_file.tell():
if self._segment is None:
# We have our first non-zero byte position. This means the init has just
# been written. Create a Segment and put it to the queue of each output.
self._segment = Segment(
2021-08-29 09:53:41 +08:00
# Fetch the latest StreamOutputs, which may have changed since the
# worker started.
+ datetime.timedelta(
seconds=float(self._segment_start_dts * packet.time_base)
self._memory_file_pos = self._memory_file.tell()
self._part_start_dts = self._segment_start_dts
else: # These are the ends of the part segments
self.flush(packet, last_part=False)
def flush(self, packet: av.Packet, last_part: bool) -> None:
"""Output a part from the most recent bytes in the memory_file.
If last_part is True, also close the segment, give it a duration,
and clean up the av_output and memory_file.
2021-08-29 09:53:41 +08:00
# In some cases using the current packet's dts (which is the start
# dts of the next part) to calculate the part duration will result in a
# value which exceeds the part_target_duration. This can muck up the
# duration of both this part and the next part. An easy fix is to just
# use the current packet dts and cap it by the part target duration.
current_dts = min(
+ self._stream_settings.part_target_duration / packet.time_base,
if last_part:
# Closing the av_output will write the remaining buffered data to the
# memory_file as a new moof/mdat.
assert self._segment
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2021-08-29 09:53:41 +08:00
duration=float((current_dts - self._part_start_dts) * packet.time_base),
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float((current_dts - self._segment_start_dts) * packet.time_base)
if last_part
else 0,
if last_part:
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# If we've written the last part, we can close the memory_file.
self._memory_file.close() # We don't need the BytesIO object anymore
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# For the last part, these will get set again elsewhere so we can skip
# setting them here.
self._memory_file_pos = self._memory_file.tell()
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self._part_start_dts = current_dts
self._part_has_keyframe = False
def discontinuity(self) -> None:
"""Mark the stream as having been restarted."""
# Preserving sequence and stream_id here keep the HLS playlist logic
# simple to check for discontinuity at output time, and to determine
# the discontinuity sequence number.
self._stream_id += 1
def close(self) -> None:
"""Close stream buffer."""
class PeekIterator(Iterator):
"""An Iterator that may allow multiple passes.
This may be consumed like a normal Iterator, however also supports a
peek() method that buffers consumed items from the iterator.
def __init__(self, iterator: Iterator[av.Packet]) -> None:
"""Initialize PeekIterator."""
self._iterator = iterator
self._buffer: deque[av.Packet] = deque()
# A pointer to either _iterator or _buffer
self._next = self._iterator.__next__
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator:
"""Return an iterator."""
return self
def __next__(self) -> av.Packet:
"""Return and consume the next item available."""
return self._next()
def replace_underlying_iterator(self, new_iterator: Iterator) -> None:
"""Replace the underlying iterator while preserving the buffer."""
self._iterator = new_iterator
if not self._buffer:
self._next = self._iterator.__next__
def _pop_buffer(self) -> av.Packet:
"""Consume items from the buffer until exhausted."""
if self._buffer:
return self._buffer.popleft()
# The buffer is empty, so change to consume from the iterator
self._next = self._iterator.__next__
return self._next()
def peek(self) -> Generator[av.Packet, None, None]:
"""Return items without consuming from the iterator."""
# Items consumed are added to a buffer for future calls to __next__
# or peek. First iterate over the buffer from previous calls to peek.
self._next = self._pop_buffer
for packet in self._buffer:
yield packet
for packet in self._iterator:
yield packet
class TimestampValidator:
"""Validate ordering of timestamps for packets in a stream."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Initialize the TimestampValidator."""
# Decompression timestamp of last packet in each stream
self._last_dts: dict[av.stream.Stream, int | float] = defaultdict(
lambda: float("-inf")
# Number of consecutive missing decompression timestamps
self._missing_dts = 0
def is_valid(self, packet: av.Packet) -> bool:
"""Validate the packet timestamp based on ordering within the stream."""
# Discard packets missing DTS. Terminate if too many are missing.
if packet.dts is None:
if self._missing_dts >= MAX_MISSING_DTS:
raise StopIteration(
f"No dts in {MAX_MISSING_DTS+1} consecutive packets"
self._missing_dts += 1
return False
self._missing_dts = 0
# Discard when dts is not monotonic. Terminate if gap is too wide.
prev_dts = self._last_dts[packet.stream]
if packet.dts <= prev_dts:
gap = packet.time_base * (prev_dts - packet.dts)
raise StopIteration(
f"Timestamp overflow detected: last dts = {prev_dts}, dts = {packet.dts}"
return False
self._last_dts[packet.stream] = packet.dts
return True
def is_keyframe(packet: av.Packet) -> Any:
"""Return true if the packet is a keyframe."""
return packet.is_keyframe
def unsupported_audio(packets: Iterator[av.Packet], audio_stream: Any) -> bool:
"""Detect ADTS AAC, which is not supported by pyav."""
if not audio_stream:
return False
for count, packet in enumerate(packets):
# Some streams declare an audio stream and never send any packets
_LOGGER.warning("Audio stream not found")
if packet.stream == audio_stream:
# detect ADTS AAC and disable audio
if audio_stream.codec.name == "aac" and packet.size > 2:
with memoryview(packet) as packet_view:
if packet_view[0] == 0xFF and packet_view[1] & 0xF0 == 0xF0:
_LOGGER.warning("ADTS AAC detected - disabling audio stream")
return True
return False
def stream_worker(
source: str,
options: dict[str, str],
segment_buffer: SegmentBuffer,
quit_event: Event,
) -> None:
"""Handle consuming streams."""
2019-07-31 12:25:30 -07:00
container = av.open(source, options=options, timeout=SOURCE_TIMEOUT)
except av.AVError:
_LOGGER.error("Error opening stream %s", redact_credentials(str(source)))
video_stream = container.streams.video[0]
except (KeyError, IndexError):
_LOGGER.error("Stream has no video")
audio_stream = container.streams.audio[0]
except (KeyError, IndexError):
audio_stream = None
# These formats need aac_adtstoasc bitstream filter, but auto_bsf not
# compatible with empty_moov and manual bitstream filters not in PyAV
if container.format.name in {"hls", "mpegts"}:
audio_stream = None
# Some audio streams do not have a profile and throw errors when remuxing
if audio_stream and audio_stream.profile is None:
audio_stream = None
dts_validator = TimestampValidator()
container_packets = PeekIterator(
filter(dts_validator.is_valid, container.demux((video_stream, audio_stream)))
def is_video(packet: av.Packet) -> Any:
"""Return true if the packet is for the video stream."""
return packet.stream == video_stream
# Have to work around two problems with RTSP feeds in ffmpeg
# 1 - first frame has bad pts/dts https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/5018
# 2 - seeking can be problematic https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/7815
# Use a peeking iterator to peek into the start of the stream, ensuring
# everything looks good, then go back to the start when muxing below.
if audio_stream and unsupported_audio(container_packets.peek(), audio_stream):
audio_stream = None
filter(dts_validator.is_valid, container.demux(video_stream))
# Advance to the first keyframe for muxing, then rewind so the muxing
# loop below can consume.
first_keyframe = next(
filter(lambda pkt: is_keyframe(pkt) and is_video(pkt), container_packets)
# Deal with problem #1 above (bad first packet pts/dts) by recalculating
# using pts/dts from second packet. Use the peek iterator to advance
# without consuming from container_packets. Skip over the first keyframe
# then use the duration from the second video packet to adjust dts.
next_video_packet = next(filter(is_video, container_packets.peek()))
# Since the is_valid filter has already been applied before the following
# adjustment, it does not filter out the case where the duration below is
# 0 and both the first_keyframe and next_video_packet end up with the same
# dts. Use "or 1" to deal with this.
start_dts = next_video_packet.dts - (next_video_packet.duration or 1)
first_keyframe.dts = first_keyframe.pts = start_dts
except (av.AVError, StopIteration) as ex:
_LOGGER.error("Error demuxing stream while finding first packet: %s", str(ex))
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segment_buffer.set_streams(video_stream, audio_stream)
# Mux the first keyframe, then proceed through the rest of the packets
while not quit_event.is_set():
packet = next(container_packets)
except (av.AVError, StopIteration) as ex:
_LOGGER.error("Error demuxing stream: %s", str(ex))
# Close stream