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"""Constants used by Home Assistant components."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Final
MAJOR_VERSION: Final = 2021
2021-05-26 20:18:29 +02:00
PATCH_VERSION: Final = "0.dev0"
__short_version__: Final = f"{MAJOR_VERSION}.{MINOR_VERSION}"
__version__: Final = f"{__short_version__}.{PATCH_VERSION}"
REQUIRED_PYTHON_VER: Final[tuple[int, int, int]] = (3, 8, 0)
# Truthy date string triggers showing related deprecation warning messages.
REQUIRED_NEXT_PYTHON_VER: Final[tuple[int, int, int]] = (3, 9, 0)
# Format for platform files
PLATFORM_FORMAT: Final = "{platform}.{domain}"
# Can be used to specify a catch all when registering state or event listeners.
MATCH_ALL: Final = "*"
# Entity target all constant
ENTITY_MATCH_NONE: Final = "none"
ENTITY_MATCH_ALL: Final = "all"
# If no name is specified
DEVICE_DEFAULT_NAME: Final = "Unnamed Device"
# Max characters for data stored in the recorder (changes to these limits would require
# a database migration)
# Sun events
SUN_EVENT_SUNSET: Final = "sunset"
SUN_EVENT_SUNRISE: Final = "sunrise"
2016-05-02 22:05:09 -07:00
# #### CONFIG ####
CONF_ABOVE: Final = "above"
CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN: Final = "access_token"
CONF_ADDRESS: Final = "address"
CONF_AFTER: Final = "after"
CONF_ALIAS: Final = "alias"
CONF_ALLOWLIST_EXTERNAL_URLS: Final = "allowlist_external_urls"
CONF_API_KEY: Final = "api_key"
CONF_API_TOKEN: Final = "api_token"
CONF_API_VERSION: Final = "api_version"
CONF_ARMING_TIME: Final = "arming_time"
CONF_AT: Final = "at"
CONF_ATTRIBUTE: Final = "attribute"
CONF_AUTH_MFA_MODULES: Final = "auth_mfa_modules"
CONF_AUTH_PROVIDERS: Final = "auth_providers"
CONF_AUTHENTICATION: Final = "authentication"
CONF_BASE: Final = "base"
CONF_BEFORE: Final = "before"
CONF_BELOW: Final = "below"
CONF_BINARY_SENSORS: Final = "binary_sensors"
CONF_BRIGHTNESS: Final = "brightness"
CONF_BROADCAST_ADDRESS: Final = "broadcast_address"
CONF_BROADCAST_PORT: Final = "broadcast_port"
CONF_CHOOSE: Final = "choose"
CONF_CLIENT_ID: Final = "client_id"
CONF_CLIENT_SECRET: Final = "client_secret"
CONF_CODE: Final = "code"
CONF_COLOR_TEMP: Final = "color_temp"
CONF_COMMAND: Final = "command"
CONF_COMMAND_CLOSE: Final = "command_close"
CONF_COMMAND_OFF: Final = "command_off"
CONF_COMMAND_ON: Final = "command_on"
CONF_COMMAND_OPEN: Final = "command_open"
CONF_COMMAND_STATE: Final = "command_state"
CONF_COMMAND_STOP: Final = "command_stop"
CONF_CONDITION: Final = "condition"
CONF_CONDITIONS: Final = "conditions"
CONF_CONTINUE_ON_TIMEOUT: Final = "continue_on_timeout"
CONF_COUNT: Final = "count"
CONF_COVERS: Final = "covers"
CONF_CURRENCY: Final = "currency"
CONF_CUSTOMIZE: Final = "customize"
CONF_CUSTOMIZE_DOMAIN: Final = "customize_domain"
CONF_CUSTOMIZE_GLOB: Final = "customize_glob"
CONF_DEFAULT: Final = "default"
CONF_DELAY: Final = "delay"
CONF_DELAY_TIME: Final = "delay_time"
CONF_DESCRIPTION: Final = "description"
CONF_DEVICE: Final = "device"
CONF_DEVICES: Final = "devices"
CONF_DEVICE_CLASS: Final = "device_class"
CONF_DEVICE_ID: Final = "device_id"
CONF_DISARM_AFTER_TRIGGER: Final = "disarm_after_trigger"
CONF_DISCOVERY: Final = "discovery"
CONF_DISKS: Final = "disks"
CONF_DISPLAY_CURRENCY: Final = "display_currency"
CONF_DISPLAY_OPTIONS: Final = "display_options"
CONF_DOMAIN: Final = "domain"
CONF_DOMAINS: Final = "domains"
CONF_EFFECT: Final = "effect"
CONF_ELEVATION: Final = "elevation"
CONF_EMAIL: Final = "email"
CONF_ENTITIES: Final = "entities"
CONF_ENTITY_ID: Final = "entity_id"
CONF_ENTITY_NAMESPACE: Final = "entity_namespace"
CONF_ENTITY_PICTURE_TEMPLATE: Final = "entity_picture_template"
CONF_EVENT: Final = "event"
CONF_EVENT_DATA: Final = "event_data"
CONF_EVENT_DATA_TEMPLATE: Final = "event_data_template"
CONF_EXCLUDE: Final = "exclude"
CONF_EXTERNAL_URL: Final = "external_url"
CONF_FILENAME: Final = "filename"
CONF_FILE_PATH: Final = "file_path"
CONF_FOR: Final = "for"
CONF_FORCE_UPDATE: Final = "force_update"
CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME: Final = "friendly_name"
CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME_TEMPLATE: Final = "friendly_name_template"
CONF_HEADERS: Final = "headers"
CONF_HOST: Final = "host"
CONF_HOSTS: Final = "hosts"
CONF_HS: Final = "hs"
CONF_ICON: Final = "icon"
CONF_ICON_TEMPLATE: Final = "icon_template"
CONF_ID: Final = "id"
CONF_INCLUDE: Final = "include"
CONF_INTERNAL_URL: Final = "internal_url"
CONF_IP_ADDRESS: Final = "ip_address"
CONF_LATITUDE: Final = "latitude"
CONF_LEGACY_TEMPLATES: Final = "legacy_templates"
CONF_LIGHTS: Final = "lights"
CONF_LONGITUDE: Final = "longitude"
CONF_MAC: Final = "mac"
CONF_MAXIMUM: Final = "maximum"
CONF_MEDIA_DIRS: Final = "media_dirs"
CONF_METHOD: Final = "method"
CONF_MINIMUM: Final = "minimum"
CONF_MODE: Final = "mode"
CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS: Final = "monitored_conditions"
CONF_MONITORED_VARIABLES: Final = "monitored_variables"
CONF_NAME: Final = "name"
CONF_OFFSET: Final = "offset"
CONF_OPTIMISTIC: Final = "optimistic"
CONF_PACKAGES: Final = "packages"
CONF_PARAMS: Final = "params"
CONF_PASSWORD: Final = "password"
CONF_PATH: Final = "path"
CONF_PAYLOAD: Final = "payload"
CONF_PAYLOAD_OFF: Final = "payload_off"
CONF_PAYLOAD_ON: Final = "payload_on"
CONF_PENDING_TIME: Final = "pending_time"
CONF_PIN: Final = "pin"
CONF_PLATFORM: Final = "platform"
CONF_PORT: Final = "port"
CONF_PREFIX: Final = "prefix"
CONF_PROFILE_NAME: Final = "profile_name"
CONF_PROTOCOL: Final = "protocol"
CONF_PROXY_SSL: Final = "proxy_ssl"
CONF_QUOTE: Final = "quote"
CONF_RADIUS: Final = "radius"
CONF_RECIPIENT: Final = "recipient"
CONF_REGION: Final = "region"
CONF_REPEAT: Final = "repeat"
CONF_RESOURCE: Final = "resource"
CONF_RESOURCES: Final = "resources"
CONF_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE: Final = "resource_template"
CONF_RGB: Final = "rgb"
CONF_ROOM: Final = "room"
CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL: Final = "scan_interval"
CONF_SCENE: Final = "scene"
CONF_SELECTOR: Final = "selector"
CONF_SENDER: Final = "sender"
CONF_SENSORS: Final = "sensors"
CONF_SENSOR_TYPE: Final = "sensor_type"
CONF_SEQUENCE: Final = "sequence"
CONF_SERVICE: Final = "service"
CONF_SERVICE_DATA: Final = "data"
CONF_SERVICE_TEMPLATE: Final = "service_template"
CONF_SHOW_ON_MAP: Final = "show_on_map"
CONF_SLAVE: Final = "slave"
CONF_SOURCE: Final = "source"
CONF_SSL: Final = "ssl"
CONF_STATE: Final = "state"
CONF_STATE_TEMPLATE: Final = "state_template"
CONF_STRUCTURE: Final = "structure"
CONF_SWITCHES: Final = "switches"
CONF_TARGET: Final = "target"
CONF_TEMPERATURE_UNIT: Final = "temperature_unit"
CONF_TIMEOUT: Final = "timeout"
CONF_TIME_ZONE: Final = "time_zone"
CONF_TOKEN: Final = "token"
CONF_TRIGGER_TIME: Final = "trigger_time"
CONF_TTL: Final = "ttl"
CONF_TYPE: Final = "type"
CONF_UNIQUE_ID: Final = "unique_id"
CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: Final = "unit_of_measurement"
CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM: Final = "unit_system"
CONF_UNTIL: Final = "until"
CONF_URL: Final = "url"
CONF_USERNAME: Final = "username"
CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE: Final = "value_template"
CONF_VARIABLES: Final = "variables"
CONF_VERIFY_SSL: Final = "verify_ssl"
CONF_WAIT_FOR_TRIGGER: Final = "wait_for_trigger"
CONF_WAIT_TEMPLATE: Final = "wait_template"
CONF_WEBHOOK_ID: Final = "webhook_id"
CONF_WEEKDAY: Final = "weekday"
CONF_WHILE: Final = "while"
CONF_WHITELIST: Final = "whitelist"
CONF_ALLOWLIST_EXTERNAL_DIRS: Final = "allowlist_external_dirs"
LEGACY_CONF_WHITELIST_EXTERNAL_DIRS: Final = "whitelist_external_dirs"
CONF_WHITE_VALUE: Final = "white_value"
CONF_XY: Final = "xy"
CONF_ZONE: Final = "zone"
# #### EVENTS ####
EVENT_CALL_SERVICE: Final = "call_service"
EVENT_COMPONENT_LOADED: Final = "component_loaded"
EVENT_CORE_CONFIG_UPDATE: Final = "core_config_updated"
EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_CLOSE: Final = "homeassistant_close"
EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START: Final = "homeassistant_start"
EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED: Final = "homeassistant_started"
EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP: Final = "homeassistant_stop"
EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_FINAL_WRITE: Final = "homeassistant_final_write"
EVENT_LOGBOOK_ENTRY: Final = "logbook_entry"
EVENT_SERVICE_REGISTERED: Final = "service_registered"
EVENT_SERVICE_REMOVED: Final = "service_removed"
EVENT_STATE_CHANGED: Final = "state_changed"
EVENT_THEMES_UPDATED: Final = "themes_updated"
EVENT_TIMER_OUT_OF_SYNC: Final = "timer_out_of_sync"
EVENT_TIME_CHANGED: Final = "time_changed"
# #### DEVICE CLASSES ####
DEVICE_CLASS_BATTERY: Final = "battery"
DEVICE_CLASS_CO: Final = "carbon_monoxide"
DEVICE_CLASS_CO2: Final = "carbon_dioxide"
DEVICE_CLASS_CURRENT: Final = "current"
DEVICE_CLASS_ENERGY: Final = "energy"
DEVICE_CLASS_HUMIDITY: Final = "humidity"
DEVICE_CLASS_ILLUMINANCE: Final = "illuminance"
DEVICE_CLASS_MONETARY: Final = "monetary"
DEVICE_CLASS_POWER_FACTOR: Final = "power_factor"
DEVICE_CLASS_POWER: Final = "power"
DEVICE_CLASS_PRESSURE: Final = "pressure"
DEVICE_CLASS_SIGNAL_STRENGTH: Final = "signal_strength"
DEVICE_CLASS_TEMPERATURE: Final = "temperature"
DEVICE_CLASS_TIMESTAMP: Final = "timestamp"
DEVICE_CLASS_VOLTAGE: Final = "voltage"
# #### STATES ####
STATE_ON: Final = "on"
STATE_OFF: Final = "off"
STATE_HOME: Final = "home"
STATE_NOT_HOME: Final = "not_home"
STATE_UNKNOWN: Final = "unknown"
STATE_OPEN: Final = "open"
STATE_OPENING: Final = "opening"
STATE_CLOSED: Final = "closed"
STATE_CLOSING: Final = "closing"
STATE_PLAYING: Final = "playing"
STATE_PAUSED: Final = "paused"
STATE_IDLE: Final = "idle"
STATE_STANDBY: Final = "standby"
STATE_ALARM_DISARMED: Final = "disarmed"
STATE_ALARM_ARMED_HOME: Final = "armed_home"
STATE_ALARM_ARMED_AWAY: Final = "armed_away"
STATE_ALARM_ARMED_NIGHT: Final = "armed_night"
STATE_ALARM_ARMED_CUSTOM_BYPASS: Final = "armed_custom_bypass"
STATE_ALARM_PENDING: Final = "pending"
STATE_ALARM_ARMING: Final = "arming"
STATE_ALARM_DISARMING: Final = "disarming"
STATE_ALARM_TRIGGERED: Final = "triggered"
STATE_LOCKED: Final = "locked"
STATE_UNLOCKED: Final = "unlocked"
STATE_UNAVAILABLE: Final = "unavailable"
STATE_OK: Final = "ok"
STATE_PROBLEM: Final = "problem"
# Attribution
ATTR_ATTRIBUTION: Final = "attribution"
# Credentials
ATTR_CREDENTIALS: Final = "credentials"
2017-06-05 16:59:59 +02:00
# Contains time-related attributes
ATTR_NOW: Final = "now"
ATTR_DATE: Final = "date"
ATTR_TIME: Final = "time"
ATTR_SECONDS: Final = "seconds"
# Contains domain, service for a SERVICE_CALL event
ATTR_DOMAIN: Final = "domain"
ATTR_SERVICE: Final = "service"
ATTR_SERVICE_DATA: Final = "service_data"
# IDs
ATTR_ID: Final = "id"
2018-05-14 13:05:52 +02:00
# Name
ATTR_NAME: Final = "name"
2018-05-14 13:05:52 +02:00
# Contains one string or a list of strings, each being an entity id
ATTR_ENTITY_ID: Final = "entity_id"
# Contains one string or a list of strings, each being an area id
ATTR_AREA_ID: Final = "area_id"
# Contains one string, the device ID
ATTR_DEVICE_ID: Final = "device_id"
# String with a friendly name for the entity
ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME: Final = "friendly_name"
# A picture to represent entity
ATTR_ENTITY_PICTURE: Final = "entity_picture"
ATTR_IDENTIFIERS: Final = "identifiers"
2015-11-03 00:20:48 -08:00
# Icon to use in the frontend
ATTR_ICON: Final = "icon"
2015-11-03 00:20:48 -08:00
# The unit of measurement if applicable
ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: Final = "unit_of_measurement"
Add unit system support Add unit symbol constants Initial unit system object Import more constants Pydoc for unit system file Import constants for configuration validation Unit system validation method Typing for constants Inches are valid lengths too Typings Change base class to dict - needed for remote api call serialization Validation Use dictionary keys Defined unit systems Update location util to use metric instead of us fahrenheit Update constant imports Import defined unit systems Update configuration to use unit system Update schema to use unit system Update constants Add imports to core for unit system and distance Type for config Default unit system Convert distance from HASS instance Update temperature conversion to use unit system Update temperature conversion Set unit system based on configuration Set info unit system Return unit system dictionary with config dictionary Auto discover unit system Update location test for use metric Update forecast unit system Update mold indicator unit system Update thermostat unit system Update thermostat demo test Unit tests around unit system Update test common hass configuration Update configuration unit tests There should always be a unit system! Update core unit tests Constants typing Linting issues Remove unused import Update fitbit sensor to use application unit system Update google travel time to use application unit system Update configuration example Update dht sensor Update DHT temperature conversion to use the utility function Update swagger config Update my sensors metric flag Update hvac component temperature conversion HVAC conversion for temperature Pull unit from sensor type map Pull unit from sensor type map Update the temper sensor unit Update yWeather sensor unit Update hvac demo unit test Set unit test config unit system to metric Use hass unit system length for default in proximity Use the name of the system instead of temperature Use constants from const Unused import Forecasted temperature Fix calculation in case furthest distance is greater than 1000000 units Remove unneeded constants Set default length to km or miles Use constants Linting doesn't like importing just for typing Fix reference Test is expecting meters - set config to meters Use constant Use constant PyDoc for unit test Should be not in Rename to units Change unit system to be an object - not a dictionary Return tuple in conversion Move convert to temperature util Temperature conversion is now in unit system Update imports Rename to units Units is now an object Use temperature util conversion Unit system is now an object Validate and convert unit system config Return the scalar value in template distance Test is expecting meters Update unit tests around unit system Distance util returns tuple Fix location info test Set units Update unit tests Convert distance DOH Pull out the scalar from the vector Linting I really hate python linting Linting again BLARG Unit test documentation Unit test around is metric flag Break ternary statement into if/else blocks Don't use dictionary - use members is metric flag Rename constants Use is metric flag Move constants to CONST file Move to const file Raise error if unit is not expected Typing No need to return unit since only performing conversion if it can work Use constants Line wrapping Raise error if invalid value Remove subscripts from conversion as they are no longer returned as tuples No longer tuples No longer tuples Check for numeric type Fix string format to use correct variable Typing Assert errors raised Remove subscript Only convert temperature if we know the unit If no unit of measurement set - default to HASS config Convert only if we know the unit Remove subscription Fix not in clause Linting fixes Wants a boolean Clearer if-block Check if the key is in the config first Missed a couple expecting tuples Backwards compatibility No like-y ternary! Error handling around state setting Pretty unit system configuration validation More tuple crap Use is metric flag Error handling around min/max temp Explode if no unit Pull unit from config Celsius has a decimal Unused import Check if it's a temperature before we try to convert it to a temperature Linting says too many statements - combine lat/long in a fairly reasonable manner Backwards compatibility unit test Better doc
2016-07-31 14:24:49 -06:00
2017-09-29 12:05:02 +02:00
# Electrical attributes
ATTR_VOLTAGE: Final = "voltage"
2017-09-29 12:05:02 +02:00
# Location of the device/sensor
ATTR_LOCATION: Final = "location"
ATTR_MODE: Final = "mode"
ATTR_MANUFACTURER: Final = "manufacturer"
ATTR_MODEL: Final = "model"
ATTR_SW_VERSION: Final = "sw_version"
ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING: Final = "battery_charging"
ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL: Final = "battery_level"
ATTR_WAKEUP: Final = "wake_up_interval"
# For devices which support a code attribute
ATTR_CODE: Final = "code"
ATTR_CODE_FORMAT: Final = "code_format"
Xiaomi vacuum as platform of new `vacuum` component derived from ToggleEntity, and services (#8623) * Xiaomi vacuum as component with switch, sensors and services - Conversion from switch platform to async component. - Add services proposed in #8416 to the new component, with shorter names. - Add sensors for the vacuum robot as a selectable list from `battery`, `state`, `error`, `fanspeed`, `clean_time` and `clean_area` (the state attributes of the switch). The sensors don't poll, but listen to a signal to update the state, the switch fires this signal when updating. - Assign default icons to sensors and the switch (`mdi:google-circles-group` looks like the robot!) * path change in requirements_all (from switch platform to component) * copy pasting is a bad habit * services to the components services.yaml, modify .coveragerc * review: use with multiple hosts, fix calls to async_add_devices, fix ranges for services * `icon_for_battery_level` util method * Xiaomi vacuum as platform of new component vacuum - Created new component `vacuum` from a ToggleEntity. - Add services `turn_on`, `turn_off`, `cleaning_play_pause`, `stop`, `return_to_base`, `locate`, `set_fanspeed` and `send_command`. - Remove the main switch for the xiaomi vacuum (the toggable main entity is the switch). - Add `support flags` for the common services - Assign default icons to sensors and the switch (`mdi:google-circles-group` looks like the robot!) - Move services descriptions to a yaml file for the new component. - Update requirements_all. - Update coveragerc. * fix coveragerc * fix battery icon helper to use more icons * remove sensors, create properties and support flags for custom UI * cleaning * updated state_attrs for filtering in UI, renamed platform to simply `xiaomi` * fix platform rename * change fanspeed and expose `fanspeed_list` to use speed steps * minor fixes - Rename service `start_pause` - Add 'Error' attribute only if `got_error`. - Minor changes * rename state attrs * rename state attrs * review changes: cut fan__speed, style changes, remove logging, and more * add ATTR_COMMAND = 'command' to const * pop entity_id from service data * remove property accessor for vacuum object * lint fix * fix extra attrs names * module level functions for calling the services * params as optional keyword for `send_command` * params as optional keyword for `send_command`, remove debug logs * explicit parameters for `set_fan_speed` and `send_command` * Demo platform for the vacuum component * vacuum tests for the Demo platform * some fixes * don't omit vacuum * vacuum tests for the Xiaomi platform * fix test * fix * fix xiaomi test * fix coveragerc * test send command * fix coveragerc * fix string formatting * The coverage is to low. It need 93% or more
2017-08-04 15:27:10 +02:00
# For calling a device specific command
ATTR_COMMAND: Final = "command"
Xiaomi vacuum as platform of new `vacuum` component derived from ToggleEntity, and services (#8623) * Xiaomi vacuum as component with switch, sensors and services - Conversion from switch platform to async component. - Add services proposed in #8416 to the new component, with shorter names. - Add sensors for the vacuum robot as a selectable list from `battery`, `state`, `error`, `fanspeed`, `clean_time` and `clean_area` (the state attributes of the switch). The sensors don't poll, but listen to a signal to update the state, the switch fires this signal when updating. - Assign default icons to sensors and the switch (`mdi:google-circles-group` looks like the robot!) * path change in requirements_all (from switch platform to component) * copy pasting is a bad habit * services to the components services.yaml, modify .coveragerc * review: use with multiple hosts, fix calls to async_add_devices, fix ranges for services * `icon_for_battery_level` util method * Xiaomi vacuum as platform of new component vacuum - Created new component `vacuum` from a ToggleEntity. - Add services `turn_on`, `turn_off`, `cleaning_play_pause`, `stop`, `return_to_base`, `locate`, `set_fanspeed` and `send_command`. - Remove the main switch for the xiaomi vacuum (the toggable main entity is the switch). - Add `support flags` for the common services - Assign default icons to sensors and the switch (`mdi:google-circles-group` looks like the robot!) - Move services descriptions to a yaml file for the new component. - Update requirements_all. - Update coveragerc. * fix coveragerc * fix battery icon helper to use more icons * remove sensors, create properties and support flags for custom UI * cleaning * updated state_attrs for filtering in UI, renamed platform to simply `xiaomi` * fix platform rename * change fanspeed and expose `fanspeed_list` to use speed steps * minor fixes - Rename service `start_pause` - Add 'Error' attribute only if `got_error`. - Minor changes * rename state attrs * rename state attrs * review changes: cut fan__speed, style changes, remove logging, and more * add ATTR_COMMAND = 'command' to const * pop entity_id from service data * remove property accessor for vacuum object * lint fix * fix extra attrs names * module level functions for calling the services * params as optional keyword for `send_command` * params as optional keyword for `send_command`, remove debug logs * explicit parameters for `set_fan_speed` and `send_command` * Demo platform for the vacuum component * vacuum tests for the Demo platform * some fixes * don't omit vacuum * vacuum tests for the Xiaomi platform * fix test * fix * fix xiaomi test * fix coveragerc * test send command * fix coveragerc * fix string formatting * The coverage is to low. It need 93% or more
2017-08-04 15:27:10 +02:00
# For devices which support an armed state
ATTR_ARMED: Final = "device_armed"
2015-11-23 00:35:22 +00:00
# For devices which support a locked state
ATTR_LOCKED: Final = "locked"
2015-11-23 00:35:22 +00:00
# For sensors that support 'tripping', eg. motion and door sensors
ATTR_TRIPPED: Final = "device_tripped"
# For sensors that support 'tripping' this holds the most recent
# time the device was tripped
ATTR_LAST_TRIP_TIME: Final = "last_tripped_time"
# For all entity's, this hold whether or not it should be hidden
ATTR_HIDDEN: Final = "hidden"
# Location of the entity
ATTR_LATITUDE: Final = "latitude"
ATTR_LONGITUDE: Final = "longitude"
2015-09-29 23:08:37 -07:00
# Accuracy of location in meters
ATTR_GPS_ACCURACY: Final = "gps_accuracy"
2015-09-29 23:08:37 -07:00
2016-02-13 23:42:11 -08:00
# If state is assumed
ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE: Final = "assumed_state"
ATTR_STATE: Final = "state"
2016-02-13 23:42:11 -08:00
ATTR_EDITABLE: Final = "editable"
ATTR_OPTION: Final = "option"
# The entity has been restored with restore state
ATTR_RESTORED: Final = "restored"
# Bitfield of supported component features for the entity
ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES: Final = "supported_features"
# Class of device within its domain
ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS: Final = "device_class"
# Temperature attribute
ATTR_TEMPERATURE: Final = "temperature"
# Power units
POWER_WATT: Final = "W"
# Voltage units
VOLT: Final = "V"
# Energy units
# Electrical units
# Degree units
DEGREE: Final = "°"
# Currency units
CURRENCY_CENT: Final = "¢"
# Temperature units
TEMP_CELSIUS: Final = "°C"
TEMP_KELVIN: Final = "K"
# Time units
TIME_SECONDS: Final = "s"
TIME_MINUTES: Final = "min"
TIME_HOURS: Final = "h"
TIME_DAYS: Final = "d"
TIME_WEEKS: Final = "w"
TIME_MONTHS: Final = "m"
TIME_YEARS: Final = "y"
# Length units
LENGTH_METERS: Final = "m"
LENGTH_INCHES: Final = "in"
LENGTH_FEET: Final = "ft"
LENGTH_YARD: Final = "yd"
LENGTH_MILES: Final = "mi"
# Frequency units
# Pressure units
PRESSURE_PA: Final = "Pa"
PRESSURE_HPA: Final = "hPa"
PRESSURE_BAR: Final = "bar"
PRESSURE_MBAR: Final = "mbar"
PRESSURE_INHG: Final = "inHg"
PRESSURE_PSI: Final = "psi"
# Volume units
VOLUME_CUBIC_FEET: Final = "ft³"
VOLUME_GALLONS: Final = "gal"
VOLUME_FLUID_OUNCE: Final = "fl. oz."
# Volume Flow Rate units
# Area units
# Mass units
MASS_GRAMS: Final = "g"
MASS_KILOGRAMS: Final = "kg"
MASS_OUNCES: Final = "oz"
MASS_POUNDS: Final = "lb"
# Conductivity units
CONDUCTIVITY: Final = "µS/cm"
# Light units
LIGHT_LUX: Final = "lx"
# UV Index units
UV_INDEX: Final = "UV index"
# Percentage units
PERCENTAGE: Final = "%"
# Irradiation units
# Precipitation units
# Concentration units
# Speed units
SPEED_INCHES_PER_DAY: Final = "in/d"
# Signal_strength units
# Data units
DATA_BITS: Final = "bit"
DATA_KILOBITS: Final = "kbit"
DATA_MEGABITS: Final = "Mbit"
DATA_GIGABITS: Final = "Gbit"
DATA_BYTES: Final = "B"
# #### SERVICES ####
SERVICE_TURN_ON: Final = "turn_on"
SERVICE_TURN_OFF: Final = "turn_off"
SERVICE_TOGGLE: Final = "toggle"
SERVICE_RELOAD: Final = "reload"
SERVICE_VOLUME_UP: Final = "volume_up"
SERVICE_VOLUME_DOWN: Final = "volume_down"
SERVICE_VOLUME_MUTE: Final = "volume_mute"
SERVICE_VOLUME_SET: Final = "volume_set"
SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE: Final = "media_play_pause"
SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAY: Final = "media_play"
SERVICE_MEDIA_PAUSE: Final = "media_pause"
SERVICE_MEDIA_STOP: Final = "media_stop"
SERVICE_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK: Final = "media_next_track"
SERVICE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS_TRACK: Final = "media_previous_track"
SERVICE_MEDIA_SEEK: Final = "media_seek"
SERVICE_REPEAT_SET: Final = "repeat_set"
SERVICE_SHUFFLE_SET: Final = "shuffle_set"
SERVICE_ALARM_DISARM: Final = "alarm_disarm"
SERVICE_ALARM_ARM_HOME: Final = "alarm_arm_home"
SERVICE_ALARM_ARM_AWAY: Final = "alarm_arm_away"
SERVICE_ALARM_ARM_NIGHT: Final = "alarm_arm_night"
SERVICE_ALARM_ARM_CUSTOM_BYPASS: Final = "alarm_arm_custom_bypass"
SERVICE_ALARM_TRIGGER: Final = "alarm_trigger"
SERVICE_LOCK: Final = "lock"
SERVICE_UNLOCK: Final = "unlock"
SERVICE_OPEN: Final = "open"
SERVICE_CLOSE: Final = "close"
SERVICE_CLOSE_COVER: Final = "close_cover"
SERVICE_CLOSE_COVER_TILT: Final = "close_cover_tilt"
SERVICE_OPEN_COVER: Final = "open_cover"
SERVICE_OPEN_COVER_TILT: Final = "open_cover_tilt"
SERVICE_SET_COVER_POSITION: Final = "set_cover_position"
SERVICE_SET_COVER_TILT_POSITION: Final = "set_cover_tilt_position"
SERVICE_STOP_COVER: Final = "stop_cover"
SERVICE_STOP_COVER_TILT: Final = "stop_cover_tilt"
SERVICE_TOGGLE_COVER_TILT: Final = "toggle_cover_tilt"
SERVICE_SELECT_OPTION: Final = "select_option"
# #### API / REMOTE ####
SERVER_PORT: Final = 8123
URL_ROOT: Final = "/"
URL_API: Final = "/api/"
URL_API_STREAM: Final = "/api/stream"
URL_API_CONFIG: Final = "/api/config"
URL_API_DISCOVERY_INFO: Final = "/api/discovery_info"
URL_API_STATES: Final = "/api/states"
URL_API_STATES_ENTITY: Final = "/api/states/{}"
URL_API_EVENTS: Final = "/api/events"
URL_API_EVENTS_EVENT: Final = "/api/events/{}"
URL_API_SERVICES: Final = "/api/services"
URL_API_SERVICES_SERVICE: Final = "/api/services/{}/{}"
URL_API_COMPONENTS: Final = "/api/components"
URL_API_ERROR_LOG: Final = "/api/error_log"
URL_API_LOG_OUT: Final = "/api/log_out"
URL_API_TEMPLATE: Final = "/api/template"
HTTP_OK: Final = 200
HTTP_CREATED: Final = 201
HTTP_ACCEPTED: Final = 202
HTTP_NOT_FOUND: Final = 404
HTTP_HEADER_X_REQUESTED_WITH: Final = "X-Requested-With"
CONTENT_TYPE_JSON: Final = "application/json"
CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART: Final = "multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary={}"
CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_PLAIN: Final = "text/plain"
# The exit code to send to request a restart
Add unit system support Add unit symbol constants Initial unit system object Import more constants Pydoc for unit system file Import constants for configuration validation Unit system validation method Typing for constants Inches are valid lengths too Typings Change base class to dict - needed for remote api call serialization Validation Use dictionary keys Defined unit systems Update location util to use metric instead of us fahrenheit Update constant imports Import defined unit systems Update configuration to use unit system Update schema to use unit system Update constants Add imports to core for unit system and distance Type for config Default unit system Convert distance from HASS instance Update temperature conversion to use unit system Update temperature conversion Set unit system based on configuration Set info unit system Return unit system dictionary with config dictionary Auto discover unit system Update location test for use metric Update forecast unit system Update mold indicator unit system Update thermostat unit system Update thermostat demo test Unit tests around unit system Update test common hass configuration Update configuration unit tests There should always be a unit system! Update core unit tests Constants typing Linting issues Remove unused import Update fitbit sensor to use application unit system Update google travel time to use application unit system Update configuration example Update dht sensor Update DHT temperature conversion to use the utility function Update swagger config Update my sensors metric flag Update hvac component temperature conversion HVAC conversion for temperature Pull unit from sensor type map Pull unit from sensor type map Update the temper sensor unit Update yWeather sensor unit Update hvac demo unit test Set unit test config unit system to metric Use hass unit system length for default in proximity Use the name of the system instead of temperature Use constants from const Unused import Forecasted temperature Fix calculation in case furthest distance is greater than 1000000 units Remove unneeded constants Set default length to km or miles Use constants Linting doesn't like importing just for typing Fix reference Test is expecting meters - set config to meters Use constant Use constant PyDoc for unit test Should be not in Rename to units Change unit system to be an object - not a dictionary Return tuple in conversion Move convert to temperature util Temperature conversion is now in unit system Update imports Rename to units Units is now an object Use temperature util conversion Unit system is now an object Validate and convert unit system config Return the scalar value in template distance Test is expecting meters Update unit tests around unit system Distance util returns tuple Fix location info test Set units Update unit tests Convert distance DOH Pull out the scalar from the vector Linting I really hate python linting Linting again BLARG Unit test documentation Unit test around is metric flag Break ternary statement into if/else blocks Don't use dictionary - use members is metric flag Rename constants Use is metric flag Move constants to CONST file Move to const file Raise error if unit is not expected Typing No need to return unit since only performing conversion if it can work Use constants Line wrapping Raise error if invalid value Remove subscripts from conversion as they are no longer returned as tuples No longer tuples No longer tuples Check for numeric type Fix string format to use correct variable Typing Assert errors raised Remove subscript Only convert temperature if we know the unit If no unit of measurement set - default to HASS config Convert only if we know the unit Remove subscription Fix not in clause Linting fixes Wants a boolean Clearer if-block Check if the key is in the config first Missed a couple expecting tuples Backwards compatibility No like-y ternary! Error handling around state setting Pretty unit system configuration validation More tuple crap Use is metric flag Error handling around min/max temp Explode if no unit Pull unit from config Celsius has a decimal Unused import Check if it's a temperature before we try to convert it to a temperature Linting says too many statements - combine lat/long in a fairly reasonable manner Backwards compatibility unit test Better doc
2016-07-31 14:24:49 -06:00
UNIT_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TEMPLATE: Final = "{} is not a recognized {} unit."
Add unit system support Add unit symbol constants Initial unit system object Import more constants Pydoc for unit system file Import constants for configuration validation Unit system validation method Typing for constants Inches are valid lengths too Typings Change base class to dict - needed for remote api call serialization Validation Use dictionary keys Defined unit systems Update location util to use metric instead of us fahrenheit Update constant imports Import defined unit systems Update configuration to use unit system Update schema to use unit system Update constants Add imports to core for unit system and distance Type for config Default unit system Convert distance from HASS instance Update temperature conversion to use unit system Update temperature conversion Set unit system based on configuration Set info unit system Return unit system dictionary with config dictionary Auto discover unit system Update location test for use metric Update forecast unit system Update mold indicator unit system Update thermostat unit system Update thermostat demo test Unit tests around unit system Update test common hass configuration Update configuration unit tests There should always be a unit system! Update core unit tests Constants typing Linting issues Remove unused import Update fitbit sensor to use application unit system Update google travel time to use application unit system Update configuration example Update dht sensor Update DHT temperature conversion to use the utility function Update swagger config Update my sensors metric flag Update hvac component temperature conversion HVAC conversion for temperature Pull unit from sensor type map Pull unit from sensor type map Update the temper sensor unit Update yWeather sensor unit Update hvac demo unit test Set unit test config unit system to metric Use hass unit system length for default in proximity Use the name of the system instead of temperature Use constants from const Unused import Forecasted temperature Fix calculation in case furthest distance is greater than 1000000 units Remove unneeded constants Set default length to km or miles Use constants Linting doesn't like importing just for typing Fix reference Test is expecting meters - set config to meters Use constant Use constant PyDoc for unit test Should be not in Rename to units Change unit system to be an object - not a dictionary Return tuple in conversion Move convert to temperature util Temperature conversion is now in unit system Update imports Rename to units Units is now an object Use temperature util conversion Unit system is now an object Validate and convert unit system config Return the scalar value in template distance Test is expecting meters Update unit tests around unit system Distance util returns tuple Fix location info test Set units Update unit tests Convert distance DOH Pull out the scalar from the vector Linting I really hate python linting Linting again BLARG Unit test documentation Unit test around is metric flag Break ternary statement into if/else blocks Don't use dictionary - use members is metric flag Rename constants Use is metric flag Move constants to CONST file Move to const file Raise error if unit is not expected Typing No need to return unit since only performing conversion if it can work Use constants Line wrapping Raise error if invalid value Remove subscripts from conversion as they are no longer returned as tuples No longer tuples No longer tuples Check for numeric type Fix string format to use correct variable Typing Assert errors raised Remove subscript Only convert temperature if we know the unit If no unit of measurement set - default to HASS config Convert only if we know the unit Remove subscription Fix not in clause Linting fixes Wants a boolean Clearer if-block Check if the key is in the config first Missed a couple expecting tuples Backwards compatibility No like-y ternary! Error handling around state setting Pretty unit system configuration validation More tuple crap Use is metric flag Error handling around min/max temp Explode if no unit Pull unit from config Celsius has a decimal Unused import Check if it's a temperature before we try to convert it to a temperature Linting says too many statements - combine lat/long in a fairly reasonable manner Backwards compatibility unit test Better doc
2016-07-31 14:24:49 -06:00
LENGTH: Final = "length"
MASS: Final = "mass"
PRESSURE: Final = "pressure"
VOLUME: Final = "volume"
TEMPERATURE: Final = "temperature"
SPEED_MS: Final = "speed_ms"
ILLUMINANCE: Final = "illuminance"
WEEKDAYS: Final[list[str]] = ["mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", "sun"]
# The degree of precision for platforms
Add support for locks in google assistant component (#18233) * Add support for locks in google assistant component This is supported by the smarthome API, but there is no documentation for it. This work is based on an article I found with screenshots of documentation that was erroneously uploaded: https://www.androidpolice.com/2018/01/17/google-assistant-home-can-now-natively-control-smart-locks-august-vivint-first-supported/ Google Assistant now supports unlocking certain locks - Nest and August come to mind - via this API, and this commit allows Home Assistant to do so as well. Notably, I've added a config option `allow_unlock` that controls whether we actually honor requests to unlock a lock via the google assistant. It defaults to false. Additionally, we add the functionNotSupported error, which makes a little more sense when we're unable to execute the desired state transition. https://developers.google.com/actions/reference/smarthome/errors-exceptions#exception_list * Fix linter warnings * Ensure that certain groups are never exposed to cloud entities For example, the group.all_locks entity - we should probably never expose this to third party cloud integrations. It's risky. This is not configurable, but can be extended by adding to the cloud.const.NEVER_EXPOSED_ENTITIES array. It's implemented in a modestly hacky fashion, because we determine whether or not a entity should be excluded/included in several ways. Notably, we define this array in the top level const.py, to avoid circular import problems between the cloud/alexa components.
2018-11-06 03:39:10 -06:00
# Static list of entities that will never be exposed to
# cloud, alexa, or google_home components
CLOUD_NEVER_EXPOSED_ENTITIES: Final[list[str]] = ["group.all_locks"]
# The ID of the Home Assistant Cast App