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2023-12-08 11:17:42 -05:00
"""The base entity for the A. O. Smith integration."""
from py_aosmith import AOSmithAPIClient
from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import DeviceInfo
from homeassistant.helpers.update_coordinator import CoordinatorEntity
from .const import DOMAIN
from .coordinator import AOSmithCoordinator
class AOSmithEntity(CoordinatorEntity[AOSmithCoordinator]):
"""Base entity for A. O. Smith."""
_attr_has_entity_name = True
def __init__(self, coordinator: AOSmithCoordinator, junction_id: str) -> None:
"""Initialize the entity."""
self.junction_id = junction_id
self._attr_device_info = DeviceInfo(
manufacturer="A. O. Smith",
suggested_area=self.device.get("install", {}).get("location"),
identifiers={(DOMAIN, junction_id)},
sw_version=self.device.get("data", {}).get("firmwareVersion"),
def device(self):
"""Shortcut to get the device status from the coordinator data."""
return self.coordinator.data.get(self.junction_id)
def device_data(self):
"""Shortcut to get the device data within the device status."""
device = self.device
return None if device is None else device.get("data", {})
def client(self) -> AOSmithAPIClient:
"""Shortcut to get the API client."""
return self.coordinator.client
def available(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if entity is available."""
return super().available and self.device_data.get("isOnline") is True