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Provides methods to bootstrap a home assistant instance.
Each method will return a tuple (bus, statemachine).
After bootstrapping you can add your own components or
start by calling homeassistant.start_home_assistant(bus)
import importlib
import configparser
import logging
import homeassistant
import homeassistant.components as components
2013-11-10 16:46:48 -08:00
2014-01-23 21:34:08 -08:00
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals,too-many-statements
def from_config_file(config_path, enable_logging=True):
""" Starts home assistant with all possible functionality
based on a config file.
Will return a tuple (bus, statemachine). """
if enable_logging:
# Setup the logging for home assistant.
# Log errors to a file
err_handler = logging.FileHandler("home-assistant.log",
mode='w', delay=True)
logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s: %(message)s',
datefmt='%H:%M %d-%m-%y'))
# Start the actual bootstrapping
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
statusses = []
# Read config
2014-04-14 23:48:00 -07:00
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
# Init core
hass = homeassistant.HomeAssistant()
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
has_opt = config.has_option
get_opt = config.get
has_section = config.has_section
add_status = lambda name, result: statusses.append((name, result))
load_module = lambda module: importlib.import_module(
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
def get_opt_safe(section, option, default=None):
""" Failure proof option retriever. """
return config.get(section, option)
except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError):
return default
def get_hosts(section):
""" Helper method to retrieve hosts from config. """
if has_opt(section, "hosts"):
return get_opt(section, "hosts").split(",")
return None
# Device scanner
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
dev_scan = None
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
# For the error message if not all option fields exist
opt_fields = "host, username, password"
if has_section('device_tracker.tomato'):
device_tracker = load_module('device_tracker')
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
dev_scan_name = "Tomato"
opt_fields += ", http_id"
dev_scan = device_tracker.TomatoDeviceScanner(
get_opt('device_tracker.tomato', 'host'),
get_opt('device_tracker.tomato', 'username'),
get_opt('device_tracker.tomato', 'password'),
get_opt('device_tracker.tomato', 'http_id'))
elif has_section('device_tracker.netgear'):
device_tracker = load_module('device_tracker')
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
dev_scan_name = "Netgear"
dev_scan = device_tracker.NetgearDeviceScanner(
get_opt('device_tracker.netgear', 'host'),
get_opt('device_tracker.netgear', 'username'),
get_opt('device_tracker.netgear', 'password'))
except configparser.NoOptionError:
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
# If one of the options didn't exist
logger.exception(("Error initializing {}DeviceScanner, "
"could not find one of the following config "
"options: {}".format(dev_scan_name, opt_fields)))
add_status("Device Scanner - {}".format(dev_scan_name), False)
if dev_scan:
add_status("Device Scanner - {}".format(dev_scan_name),
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
if not dev_scan.success_init:
dev_scan = None
# Device Tracker
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
if dev_scan:
device_tracker.DeviceTracker(hass, dev_scan)
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
add_status("Device Tracker", True)
# Sun tracker
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
if has_opt("common", "latitude") and \
has_opt("common", "longitude"):
sun = load_module('sun')
get_opt("common", "latitude"),
get_opt("common", "longitude")))
sun = None
# Chromecast
if has_section("chromecast"):
chromecast = load_module('chromecast')
hosts = get_hosts("chromecast")
add_status("Chromecast", chromecast.setup(hass, hosts))
2013-12-07 11:42:13 -08:00
2014-03-23 12:03:34 -07:00
# WeMo
if has_section("wemo"):
wemo = load_module('wemo')
hosts = get_hosts("wemo")
add_status("WeMo", wemo.setup(hass, hosts))
2014-03-23 12:03:34 -07:00
# Process tracking
if has_section("process"):
process = load_module('process')
processes = dict(config.items('process'))
add_status("process", process.setup(hass, processes))
# Light control
if has_section("light.hue"):
light = load_module('light')
light_control = light.HueLightControl(get_opt_safe("hue", "host"))
add_status("Light - Hue", light_control.success_init)
if light_control.success_init:
light.setup(hass, light_control)
light_control = None
light_control = None
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
if has_opt("downloader", "download_dir"):
downloader = load_module('downloader')
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
add_status("Downloader", downloader.setup(
hass, get_opt("downloader", "download_dir")))
add_status("Core components", components.setup(hass))
if has_section('browser'):
add_status("Browser", load_module('browser').setup(hass))
if has_section('keyboard'):
add_status("Keyboard", load_module('keyboard').setup(hass))
# Init HTTP interface
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
if has_opt("httpinterface", "api_password"):
httpinterface = load_module('httpinterface')
2013-11-10 16:46:48 -08:00
hass, get_opt("httpinterface", "api_password"))
2014-01-04 13:48:17 -08:00
add_status("HTTPInterface", True)
# Init groups
if has_section("group"):
group = load_module('group')
for name, entity_ids in config.items("group"):
add_status("Group - {}".format(name),
group.setup(hass, name, entity_ids.split(",")))
# Light trigger
if light_control and sun:
device_sun_light_trigger = load_module('device_sun_light_trigger')
light_group = get_opt_safe("device_sun_light_trigger", "light_group")
2014-03-26 00:08:50 -07:00
light_profile = get_opt_safe("device_sun_light_trigger",
add_status("Device Sun Light Trigger",
2014-03-26 00:08:50 -07:00
light_group, light_profile))
for component, success_init in statusses:
status = "initialized" if success_init else "Failed to initialize"
logger.info("{}: {}".format(component, status))
return hass