2021-07-20 06:39:19 +02:00
"""Conftest for the KNX integration."""
from __future__ import annotations
2021-04-11 23:01:30 +02:00
2021-07-20 06:39:19 +02:00
import asyncio
from unittest.mock import DEFAULT, AsyncMock, Mock, patch
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import pytest
2021-07-20 06:39:19 +02:00
from xknx import XKNX
from xknx.dpt import DPTArray, DPTBinary
from xknx.telegram import Telegram, TelegramDirection
from xknx.telegram.address import GroupAddress, IndividualAddress
from xknx.telegram.apci import APCI, GroupValueRead, GroupValueResponse, GroupValueWrite
2021-04-11 23:01:30 +02:00
2021-07-20 06:39:19 +02:00
from homeassistant.components.knx.const import DOMAIN as KNX_DOMAIN
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component
2021-04-11 23:01:30 +02:00
2021-07-20 06:39:19 +02:00
class KNXTestKit:
"""Test helper for the KNX integration."""
def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant):
"""Init KNX test helper class."""
self.hass: HomeAssistant = hass
self.xknx: XKNX
# outgoing telegrams will be put in the Queue instead of sent to the interface
# telegrams to an InternalGroupAddress won't be queued here
self._outgoing_telegrams: asyncio.Queue = asyncio.Queue()
async def setup_integration(self, config):
"""Create the KNX integration."""
def knx_ip_interface_mock():
"""Create a xknx knx ip interface mock."""
mock = Mock()
mock.start = AsyncMock()
mock.stop = AsyncMock()
mock.send_telegram = AsyncMock(side_effect=self._outgoing_telegrams.put)
return mock
def fish_xknx(*args, **kwargs):
"""Get the XKNX object from the constructor call."""
self.xknx = args[0]
return DEFAULT
with patch(
await async_setup_component(self.hass, KNX_DOMAIN, {KNX_DOMAIN: config})
await self.hass.async_block_till_done()
# disable rate limiter for tests
self.xknx.rate_limit = 0
# Telegram counter tests
def _list_remaining_telegrams(self) -> str:
"""Return a string containing remaining outgoing telegrams in test Queue. One per line."""
remaining_telegrams = []
while not self._outgoing_telegrams.empty():
return "\n".join(map(str, remaining_telegrams))
async def assert_no_telegram(self) -> None:
"""Assert if every telegram in test Queue was checked."""
await self.hass.async_block_till_done()
assert self._outgoing_telegrams.empty(), (
f"Found remaining unasserted Telegrams: {self._outgoing_telegrams.qsize()}\n"
async def assert_telegram_count(self, count: int) -> None:
"""Assert outgoing telegram count in test Queue."""
await self.hass.async_block_till_done()
actual_count = self._outgoing_telegrams.qsize()
assert actual_count == count, (
f"Outgoing telegrams: {actual_count} - Expected: {count}\n"
# APCI Service tests
async def _assert_telegram(
group_address: str,
payload: int | tuple[int, ...] | None,
apci_type: type[APCI],
) -> None:
"""Assert outgoing telegram. One by one in timely order."""
await self.hass.async_block_till_done()
telegram = self._outgoing_telegrams.get_nowait()
except asyncio.QueueEmpty:
raise AssertionError(
f"No Telegram found. Expected: {apci_type.__name__} -"
f" {group_address} - {payload}"
assert (
str(telegram.destination_address) == group_address
), f"Group address mismatch in {telegram} - Expected: {group_address}"
assert isinstance(
telegram.payload, apci_type
), f"APCI type mismatch in {telegram} - Expected: {apci_type.__name__}"
if payload is not None:
assert (
telegram.payload.value.value == payload # type: ignore
), f"Payload mismatch in {telegram} - Expected: {payload}"
async def assert_read(self, group_address: str) -> None:
"""Assert outgoing GroupValueRead telegram. One by one in timely order."""
await self._assert_telegram(group_address, None, GroupValueRead)
async def assert_response(
self, group_address: str, payload: int | tuple[int, ...]
) -> None:
"""Assert outgoing GroupValueResponse telegram. One by one in timely order."""
await self._assert_telegram(group_address, payload, GroupValueResponse)
async def assert_write(
self, group_address: str, payload: int | tuple[int, ...]
) -> None:
"""Assert outgoing GroupValueWrite telegram. One by one in timely order."""
await self._assert_telegram(group_address, payload, GroupValueWrite)
# Incoming telegrams
async def _receive_telegram(self, group_address: str, payload: APCI) -> None:
"""Inject incoming KNX telegram."""
await self.hass.async_block_till_done()
def _payload_value(payload: int | tuple[int, ...]) -> DPTArray | DPTBinary:
"""Prepare payload value for GroupValueWrite or GroupValueResponse."""
if isinstance(payload, int):
return DPTBinary(payload)
return DPTArray(payload)
async def receive_read(
group_address: str,
) -> None:
"""Inject incoming GroupValueRead telegram."""
await self._receive_telegram(group_address, GroupValueRead())
async def receive_response(
self, group_address: str, payload: int | tuple[int, ...]
) -> None:
"""Inject incoming GroupValueResponse telegram."""
payload_value = self._payload_value(payload)
await self._receive_telegram(group_address, GroupValueResponse(payload_value))
async def receive_write(
self, group_address: str, payload: int | tuple[int, ...]
) -> None:
"""Inject incoming GroupValueWrite telegram."""
payload_value = self._payload_value(payload)
await self._receive_telegram(group_address, GroupValueWrite(payload_value))
async def knx(request, hass):
"""Create a KNX TestKit instance."""
knx_test_kit = KNXTestKit(hass)
yield knx_test_kit
await knx_test_kit.assert_no_telegram()