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"""Provides diagnostics for Z-Wave JS."""
from __future__ import annotations
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import astuple, dataclass
from typing import Any
from zwave_js_server.client import Client
from zwave_js_server.const import CommandClass
from zwave_js_server.dump import dump_msgs
from zwave_js_server.model.node import Node, NodeDataType
from zwave_js_server.model.value import ValueDataType
2022-09-12 18:53:05 +02:00
from homeassistant.components.diagnostics import REDACTED
from homeassistant.components.diagnostics.util import async_redact_data
from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry
from homeassistant.const import CONF_URL
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr, entity_registry as er
from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession
from .const import DATA_CLIENT, DOMAIN
from .helpers import (
class ZwaveValueMatcher:
"""Class to allow matching a Z-Wave Value."""
property_: str | int | None = None
command_class: int | None = None
endpoint: int | None = None
property_key: str | int | None = None
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
"""Post initialization check."""
if all(val is None for val in astuple(self)):
raise ValueError("At least one of the fields must be set.")
KEYS_TO_REDACT = {"homeId", "location"}
ZwaveValueMatcher(property_="userCode", command_class=CommandClass.USER_CODE),
def redact_value_of_zwave_value(zwave_value: ValueDataType) -> ValueDataType:
"""Redact value of a Z-Wave value."""
# If the value has no value, there is nothing to redact
if zwave_value.get("value") in (None, ""):
return zwave_value
for value_to_redact in VALUES_TO_REDACT:
command_class = None
if "commandClass" in zwave_value:
command_class = CommandClass(zwave_value["commandClass"])
zwave_value_id = ZwaveValueMatcher(
if all(
redacted_field_val is None or redacted_field_val == zwave_value_field_val
for redacted_field_val, zwave_value_field_val in zip(
astuple(value_to_redact), astuple(zwave_value_id)
redacted_value: ValueDataType = deepcopy(zwave_value)
redacted_value["value"] = REDACTED
return redacted_value
return zwave_value
def redact_node_state(node_state: NodeDataType) -> NodeDataType:
"""Redact node state."""
redacted_state: NodeDataType = deepcopy(node_state)
redacted_state["values"] = [
redact_value_of_zwave_value(zwave_value) for zwave_value in node_state["values"]
return redacted_state
def get_device_entities(
hass: HomeAssistant, node: Node, device: dr.DeviceEntry
) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
"""Get entities for a device."""
entity_entries = er.async_entries_for_device(
er.async_get(hass), device.id, include_disabled_entities=True
entities = []
for entry in entity_entries:
# If the value ID returns as None, we don't need to include this entity
if (value_id := get_value_id_from_unique_id(entry.unique_id)) is None:
primary_value_data = None
if (zwave_value := node.values.get(value_id)) is not None:
primary_value_data = {
"command_class": zwave_value.command_class,
"command_class_name": zwave_value.command_class_name,
"endpoint": zwave_value.endpoint,
"property": zwave_value.property_,
"property_name": zwave_value.property_name,
"property_key": zwave_value.property_key,
"property_key_name": zwave_value.property_key_name,
state_key = get_state_key_from_unique_id(entry.unique_id)
if state_key is not None:
primary_value_data["state_key"] = state_key
entity = {
"domain": entry.domain,
"entity_id": entry.entity_id,
"original_name": entry.original_name,
"original_device_class": entry.original_device_class,
"disabled": entry.disabled,
"disabled_by": entry.disabled_by,
"hidden_by": entry.hidden_by,
"original_icon": entry.original_icon,
"entity_category": entry.entity_category,
"supported_features": entry.supported_features,
"unit_of_measurement": entry.unit_of_measurement,
"value_id": value_id,
"primary_value": primary_value_data,
return entities
async def async_get_config_entry_diagnostics(
hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry
) -> list[dict]:
"""Return diagnostics for a config entry."""
msgs: list[dict] = async_redact_data(
await dump_msgs(config_entry.data[CONF_URL], async_get_clientsession(hass)),
handshake_msgs = msgs[:-1]
network_state = msgs[-1]
network_state["result"]["state"]["nodes"] = [
redact_node_state(node) for node in network_state["result"]["state"]["nodes"]
return [*handshake_msgs, network_state]
async def async_get_device_diagnostics(
hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, device: dr.DeviceEntry
) -> dict:
"""Return diagnostics for a device."""
client: Client = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id][DATA_CLIENT]
identifiers = get_home_and_node_id_from_device_entry(device)
node_id = identifiers[1] if identifiers else None
assert (driver := client.driver)
if node_id is None or node_id not in driver.controller.nodes:
raise ValueError(f"Node for device {device.id} can't be found")
node = driver.controller.nodes[node_id]
entities = get_device_entities(hass, node, device)
assert client.version
node_state = redact_node_state(async_redact_data(node.data, KEYS_TO_REDACT))
node_state["statistics"] = node.statistics.data
return {
"versionInfo": {
"driverVersion": client.version.driver_version,
"serverVersion": client.version.server_version,
"minSchemaVersion": client.version.min_schema_version,
"maxSchemaVersion": client.version.max_schema_version,
"entities": entities,
"state": node_state,