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GitHub Sensor (#19561) * :sparkles: Add GitHub sensor * :shirt: fix tox lint warning * :hammer: Add GitHub to .coveragerc * :shirt: Fix pylint warning * :hammer: Use config.get * :fire: Tighten validation * :shirt: fix linter error * :hammer: Add path for context in errors * :sparkles: Add releases * :sparkles: Add GitHub Enterprise server support * :hammer: remove unused constant * :hammer: Requested changes * :hammer: Reorder imports * :hammer: Change to CONF_URL * :hammer: Add docstring * :hammer: Add validation for repo list * :arrow_up: Update PyGithub to 1.43.5 * :hammer: Sort attributes * :fire: Fix validation * :shirt: Fix linting issue * :hammer: Fail platform setup when data init fails with bad credentials etc * :shirt: Fix whitespace lint error * :hammer: Fix requirements_all version * :shirt: Linter fix attempt * :fire: Missing bracket * :fire: Another attempt to at a linter fix * :fire: Fix indentation * :hammer: Reduce exception down to main one * :fire: Remove update throttle logic * :hammer: Reduce calls * :shirt: Remove unused imports * :fire: :hammer: Reduce attribute data * :shirt: Remove unused json import * :hammer: Remove username and password * :fire: Fix counts * :hammer: Update attrs and add any missing * :hammer: Add unique_id * :fire: Convert uuid to string * :fire: Replace UUID with repository path * :hammer: Cleanup * :hammer: Cleanup * :fire: Remove unused variable * :hammer: Change to update instead of _update * :hammer: Improved consistency * :hammer: Improve consistency * :shirt: Fix line lengths * :hammer: Fix length * :hammer: Fix syntax
2019-02-07 17:34:27 +00:00
Support for GitHub.
For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at
from datetime import timedelta
import logging
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA
from homeassistant.const import (
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
REQUIREMENTS = ['PyGithub==1.43.5']
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF_REPOS = 'repositories'
ATTR_LATEST_COMMIT_MESSAGE = 'latest_commit_message'
ATTR_LATEST_COMMIT_SHA = 'latest_commit_sha'
ATTR_LATEST_RELEASE_URL = 'latest_release_url'
ATTR_LATEST_OPEN_ISSUE_URL = 'latest_open_issue_url'
ATTR_OPEN_ISSUES = 'open_issues'
ATTR_LATEST_OPEN_PULL_REQUEST_URL = 'latest_open_pull_request_url'
ATTR_OPEN_PULL_REQUESTS = 'open_pull_requests'
ATTR_PATH = 'path'
ATTR_STARGAZERS = 'stargazers'
SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=300)
REPO_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
vol.Required(CONF_PATH): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_NAME): cv.string
vol.Required(CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_URL): cv.url,
vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [REPO_SCHEMA])
def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None):
"""Set up the GitHub sensor platform."""
sensors = []
for repository in config[CONF_REPOS]:
data = GitHubData(
if data.setup_error is True:
_LOGGER.error("Error setting up GitHub platform. %s",
"Check previous errors for details")
add_entities(sensors, True)
class GitHubSensor(Entity):
"""Representation of a GitHub sensor."""
def __init__(self, github_data):
"""Initialize the GitHub sensor."""
self._unique_id = github_data.repository_path
self._name = None
self._state = None
self._available = False
self._repository_path = None
self._latest_commit_message = None
self._latest_commit_sha = None
self._latest_release_url = None
self._open_issue_count = None
self._latest_open_issue_url = None
self._pull_request_count = None
self._latest_open_pr_url = None
self._stargazers = None
self._github_data = github_data
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the sensor."""
return self._name
def unique_id(self):
"""Return unique ID for the sensor."""
return self._unique_id
def state(self):
"""Return the state of the sensor."""
return self._state
def available(self):
"""Return True if entity is available."""
return self._available
def device_state_attributes(self):
"""Return the state attributes."""
return {
ATTR_PATH: self._repository_path,
ATTR_NAME: self._name,
ATTR_LATEST_COMMIT_MESSAGE: self._latest_commit_message,
ATTR_LATEST_COMMIT_SHA: self._latest_commit_sha,
ATTR_LATEST_RELEASE_URL: self._latest_release_url,
ATTR_LATEST_OPEN_ISSUE_URL: self._latest_open_issue_url,
ATTR_OPEN_ISSUES: self._open_issue_count,
ATTR_LATEST_OPEN_PULL_REQUEST_URL: self._latest_open_pr_url,
ATTR_OPEN_PULL_REQUESTS: self._pull_request_count,
ATTR_STARGAZERS: self._stargazers
def icon(self):
"""Return the icon to use in the frontend."""
return 'mdi:github-circle'
def update(self):
"""Collect updated data from GitHub API."""
self._name = self._github_data.name
self._state = self._github_data.latest_commit_sha
self._repository_path = self._github_data.repository_path
self._available = self._github_data.available
self._latest_commit_message = self._github_data.latest_commit_message
self._latest_commit_sha = self._github_data.latest_commit_sha
self._latest_release_url = self._github_data.latest_release_url
self._open_issue_count = self._github_data.open_issue_count
self._latest_open_issue_url = self._github_data.latest_open_issue_url
self._pull_request_count = self._github_data.pull_request_count
self._latest_open_pr_url = self._github_data.latest_open_pr_url
self._stargazers = self._github_data.stargazers
class GitHubData():
"""GitHub Data object."""
def __init__(self, repository, access_token=None, server_url=None):
"""Set up GitHub."""
import github
self._github = github
self.setup_error = False
if server_url is not None:
server_url += "/api/v3"
self._github_obj = github.Github(
access_token, base_url=server_url)
self._github_obj = github.Github(access_token)
self.repository_path = repository[CONF_PATH]
repo = self._github_obj.get_repo(self.repository_path)
except self._github.GithubException as err:
_LOGGER.error("GitHub error for %s: %s", self.repository_path, err)
self.setup_error = True
self.name = repository.get(CONF_NAME, repo.name)
self.available = False
self.latest_commit_message = None
self.latest_commit_sha = None
self.latest_release_url = None
self.open_issue_count = None
self.latest_open_issue_url = None
self.pull_request_count = None
self.latest_open_pr_url = None
self.stargazers = None
def update(self):
"""Update GitHub Sensor."""
repo = self._github_obj.get_repo(self.repository_path)
self.stargazers = repo.stargazers_count
open_issues = repo.get_issues(state='open', sort='created')
if open_issues is not None:
self.open_issue_count = open_issues.totalCount
if open_issues.totalCount > 0:
self.latest_open_issue_url = open_issues[0].html_url
open_pull_requests = repo.get_pulls(state='open', sort='created')
if open_pull_requests is not None:
self.pull_request_count = open_pull_requests.totalCount
if open_pull_requests.totalCount > 0:
self.latest_open_pr_url = open_pull_requests[0].html_url
latest_commit = repo.get_commits()[0]
self.latest_commit_sha = latest_commit.sha
self.latest_commit_message = latest_commit.commit.message
releases = repo.get_releases()
if releases and releases.totalCount > 0:
self.latest_release_url = releases[0].html_url
self.available = True
except self._github.GithubException as err:
_LOGGER.error("GitHub error for %s: %s", self.repository_path, err)
self.available = False