2020-12-02 12:00:13 -06:00
"""Models to represent various Plex objects used in the integration."""
from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import (
from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util
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2020-12-02 12:00:13 -06:00
class PlexSession:
"""Represents a Plex playback session."""
def __init__(self, plex_server, session):
"""Initialize the object."""
self.plex_server = plex_server
# Available on both media and session objects
self.media_content_id = None
self.media_content_type = None
self.media_content_rating = None
self.media_duration = None
self.media_image_url = None
self.media_library_title = None
self.media_summary = None
self.media_title = None
# TV Shows
self.media_episode = None
self.media_season = None
self.media_series_title = None
# Music
self.media_album_name = None
self.media_album_artist = None
self.media_artist = None
self.media_track = None
# Only available on sessions
self.player = next(iter(session.players), None)
self.device_product = self.player.product
self.media_position = session.viewOffset
self.session_key = session.sessionKey
self.state = self.player.state
self.username = next(iter(session.usernames), None)
# Used by sensor entity
sensor_user_list = [self.username, self.device_product]
self.sensor_title = None
self.sensor_user = " - ".join(filter(None, sensor_user_list))
def __repr__(self):
"""Return representation of the session."""
return f"<{self.session_key}:{self.sensor_title}>"
def update_media(self, media):
"""Update attributes from a media object."""
self.media_content_id = media.ratingKey
self.media_content_rating = getattr(media, "contentRating", None)
self.media_image_url = self.get_media_image_url(media)
self.media_summary = media.summary
self.media_title = media.title
if media.duration:
self.media_duration = int(media.duration / 1000)
if media.librarySectionID == LIVE_TV_SECTION:
self.media_library_title = "Live TV"
self.media_library_title = (
2021-02-23 15:38:24 -06:00
media.section().title if media.librarySectionID is not None else ""
2020-12-02 12:00:13 -06:00
if media.type == "episode":
self.media_content_type = MEDIA_TYPE_TVSHOW
self.media_season = media.seasonNumber
self.media_series_title = media.grandparentTitle
if media.index is not None:
self.media_episode = media.index
self.sensor_title = f"{self.media_series_title} - {media.seasonEpisode} - {self.media_title}"
elif media.type == "movie":
self.media_content_type = MEDIA_TYPE_MOVIE
if media.year is not None and media.title is not None:
self.media_title += f" ({media.year!s})"
self.sensor_title = self.media_title
elif media.type == "track":
self.media_content_type = MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC
self.media_album_name = media.parentTitle
self.media_album_artist = media.grandparentTitle
self.media_track = media.index
self.media_artist = media.originalTitle or self.media_album_artist
self.sensor_title = (
f"{self.media_artist} - {self.media_album_name} - {self.media_title}"
elif media.type == "clip":
self.media_content_type = MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO
self.sensor_title = media.title
self.sensor_title = "Unknown"
def media_position(self):
"""Return the current playback position."""
return self._media_position
def media_position(self, offset):
"""Set the current playback position."""
self._media_position = int(offset / 1000)
self.media_position_updated_at = dt_util.utcnow()
def get_media_image_url(self, media):
"""Get the image URL from a media object."""
thumb_url = media.thumbUrl
if media.type == "episode" and not self.plex_server.option_use_episode_art:
if media.librarySectionID == LIVE_TV_SECTION:
thumb_url = media.grandparentThumb
thumb_url = media.url(media.grandparentThumb)
if thumb_url is None:
thumb_url = media.url(media.art)
return thumb_url