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140 lines
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"""Config flow to configure deCONZ component."""
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant import config_entries, data_entry_flow
from homeassistant.core import callback
from homeassistant.const import CONF_API_KEY, CONF_HOST, CONF_PORT
from homeassistant.helpers import aiohttp_client
from homeassistant.util.json import load_json
from .const import CONFIG_FILE, DOMAIN
def configured_hosts(hass):
"""Return a set of the configured hosts."""
return set(entry.data['host'] for entry
in hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN))
class DeconzFlowHandler(data_entry_flow.FlowHandler):
"""Handle a deCONZ config flow."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the deCONZ config flow."""
self.bridges = []
self.deconz_config = {}
async def async_step_init(self, user_input=None):
"""Handle a deCONZ config flow start."""
from pydeconz.utils import async_discovery
if configured_hosts(self.hass):
return self.async_abort(reason='one_instance_only')
if user_input is not None:
for bridge in self.bridges:
if bridge[CONF_HOST] == user_input[CONF_HOST]:
self.deconz_config = bridge
return await self.async_step_link()
session = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(self.hass)
self.bridges = await async_discovery(session)
if len(self.bridges) == 1:
self.deconz_config = self.bridges[0]
return await self.async_step_link()
elif len(self.bridges) > 1:
hosts = []
for bridge in self.bridges:
return self.async_show_form(
vol.Required(CONF_HOST): vol.In(hosts)
return self.async_abort(
async def async_step_link(self, user_input=None):
"""Attempt to link with the deCONZ bridge."""
from pydeconz.utils import async_get_api_key, async_get_bridgeid
errors = {}
if user_input is not None:
if configured_hosts(self.hass):
return self.async_abort(reason='one_instance_only')
session = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(self.hass)
api_key = await async_get_api_key(session, **self.deconz_config)
if api_key:
self.deconz_config[CONF_API_KEY] = api_key
if 'bridgeid' not in self.deconz_config:
self.deconz_config['bridgeid'] = await async_get_bridgeid(
session, **self.deconz_config)
return self.async_create_entry(
title='deCONZ-' + self.deconz_config['bridgeid'],
errors['base'] = 'no_key'
return self.async_show_form(
async def async_step_discovery(self, discovery_info):
"""Prepare configuration for a discovered deCONZ bridge.
This flow is triggered by the discovery component.
deconz_config = {}
deconz_config[CONF_HOST] = discovery_info.get(CONF_HOST)
deconz_config[CONF_PORT] = discovery_info.get(CONF_PORT)
deconz_config['bridgeid'] = discovery_info.get('serial')
config_file = await self.hass.async_add_job(
load_json, self.hass.config.path(CONFIG_FILE))
if config_file and \
config_file[CONF_HOST] == deconz_config[CONF_HOST] and \
CONF_API_KEY in config_file:
deconz_config[CONF_API_KEY] = config_file[CONF_API_KEY]
return await self.async_step_import(deconz_config)
async def async_step_import(self, import_config):
"""Import a deCONZ bridge as a config entry.
This flow is triggered by `async_setup` for configured bridges.
This flow is also triggered by `async_step_discovery`.
This will execute for any bridge that does not have a
config entry yet (based on host).
If an API key is provided, we will create an entry.
Otherwise we will delegate to `link` step which
will ask user to link the bridge.
from pydeconz.utils import async_get_bridgeid
if configured_hosts(self.hass):
return self.async_abort(reason='one_instance_only')
elif CONF_API_KEY not in import_config:
self.deconz_config = import_config
return await self.async_step_link()
if 'bridgeid' not in import_config:
session = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(self.hass)
import_config['bridgeid'] = await async_get_bridgeid(
session, **import_config)
return self.async_create_entry(
title='deCONZ-' + import_config['bridgeid'],