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"""Configuration for HEOS tests."""
from typing import Dict, Sequence
from asynctest.mock import Mock, patch as patch
from pyheos import Dispatcher, HeosPlayer, HeosSource, InputSource, const
import pytest
from homeassistant.components.heos import DOMAIN
from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST
from tests.common import MockConfigEntry
def config_entry_fixture():
"""Create a mock HEOS config entry."""
return MockConfigEntry(domain=DOMAIN, data={CONF_HOST: ''},
title='Controller (')
def controller_fixture(players, favorites, input_sources, dispatcher):
"""Create a mock Heos controller fixture."""
with patch("pyheos.Heos", autospec=True) as mock:
mock_heos = mock.return_value
mock_heos.dispatcher = dispatcher
mock_heos.get_players.return_value = players
mock_heos.players = players
mock_heos.get_favorites.return_value = favorites
mock_heos.get_input_sources.return_value = input_sources
yield mock_heos
def config_fixture():
"""Create hass config fixture."""
return {
def player_fixture(dispatcher):
"""Create a mock HeosPlayer."""
player = Mock(HeosPlayer, autospec=True)
player.heos.dispatcher = dispatcher
player.player_id = 1
player.name = "Test Player"
player.model = "Test Model"
player.version = "1.0.0"
player.is_muted = False
player.available = True
player.state = const.PLAY_STATE_STOP
player.ip_address = ""
player.network = "wired"
player.shuffle = False
player.repeat = const.REPEAT_OFF
player.volume = 25
player.now_playing_media.supported_controls = const.CONTROLS_ALL
player.now_playing_media.album_id = 1
player.now_playing_media.queue_id = 1
player.now_playing_media.source_id = 1
player.now_playing_media.station = "Station Name"
player.now_playing_media.type = "Station"
player.now_playing_media.album = "Album"
player.now_playing_media.artist = "Artist"
player.now_playing_media.media_id = "1"
player.now_playing_media.duration = None
player.now_playing_media.current_position = None
player.now_playing_media.image_url = "http://"
player.now_playing_media.song = "Song"
return {player.player_id: player}
def favorites_fixture() -> Dict[int, HeosSource]:
"""Create favorites fixture."""
station = Mock(HeosSource, autospec=True)
station.type = const.TYPE_STATION
station.name = "Today's Hits Radio"
station.media_id = '123456789'
radio = Mock(HeosSource, autospec=True)
radio.type = const.TYPE_STATION
radio.name = "Classical MPR (Classical Music)"
radio.media_id = 's1234'
return {
1: station,
2: radio
def input_sources_fixture() -> Sequence[InputSource]:
"""Create a set of input sources for testing."""
source = Mock(InputSource, autospec=True)
source.player_id = 1
source.input_name = const.INPUT_AUX_IN_1
source.name = "HEOS Drive - Line In 1"
return [source]
def dispatcher_fixture() -> Dispatcher:
"""Create a dispatcher for testing."""
return Dispatcher()
def discovery_data_fixture() -> dict:
"""Return mock discovery data for testing."""
return {
'host': '',
'manufacturer': 'Denon',
'model_name': 'HEOS Drive',
'model_number': 'DWSA-10 4.0',
'name': 'Office',
'port': 60006,
'serial': None,
'udn': 'uuid:e61de70c-2250-1c22-0080-0005cdf512be',
'upnp_device_type': 'urn:schemas-denon-com:device:AiosDevice:1'